BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Illinbah Circuit, Binna Burra UID:20240804T070000-971@ DTSTART:20240804T070000 DTEND:20240804T173000 DTSTAMP:20240804T070000 GEO:-28.194193;153.184254 DESCRIPTION:This is a nearly 18 km circuit, starting from the Gwongooroo l Pool track at the information kiosk, 1.5 km below the main Binna Burra lodges. At the start there is very steep 3 km descent to the pool (with steep rocky staircases, and where we will have morning tea). From there we return to the circuit and follow lower Coomera Creek, through rain f orest and palm groves with 13 creek crossings. If there has been any fur ther rain since the survey on the 20th, slippery conditions and wet feet will be inevitable. We reach our lunch spot at a bush campground where the terrain opens to open eucalypt forest. After lunch we ascend 8 km up a gentle gradient through dry forrest with much birdlife. We return to a point about 1 km from where we started and ascend steeply back to the car park. There are many patches of nettles, stinging trees and wait-a-w hiles anxious to meet with us, so long sleeves and long trousers are adv ised. Also there are a couple of scrambles up steep muddy banks, with so me ropes fixed in place to assist. As the creek crossings can be slow, I would advise meeting at Ipswich a little early so that we can be away b y 7am sharp, and be walking shortly after 8:30. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR